Cucumber Seeds

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27 results
Arkansas Little Leaf Cucumber

Developed by the University of Arkansas, this compact plant produces 3 to 4 inch fruit that are crispy and delicious, even under stress. They produce fruit over a long period in just about any climate. The multiple disease resistances allows them to keep growing. Pollinators are not required to set fruit. 59 days.

$3.09 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Armenian Cucumber

Sometimes called yard long cucumbers, or snake melons, with thin skin that is burpless,- without bitterness, allowing the fruit to be eaten without peeling. Fruit are pale green on the outside with white sweet flesh on the inside. It tastes like a cucumber even though it is a melon. The fruit can reach over 2 feet in length, but they taste best harvested from 12 to 14 inches. Trellis for straight fruit. Very heat tolerant. 70 days.

$2.99 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Ashley Cucumber
Well adapted for hot and humid climates, where disease resistance is important. Dark green fruit are 7-8 inches in length and are slightly tapered. The vine is a heavy producer. Pick frequently to prolong harvest. 65 days.
$3.19 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Big Tasty Hybrid Cucumber

For a compact plant, Big Tasty produces plenty of 8 to 10 inch long cucumbers that are dark green in color. They are crisp and delicious, and perfect for salads or a refreshing cucumber sandwich. Because the vine is smaller, you can plant closer together, maximizing your use of garden space. Excellent disease resistance package. 62 days.

From $4.25 for Pack (20 seeds) $12.95
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Calypso Hybrid Cucumber

Developed by North Carolina State University, this widely adapted pickling cucumber was bred for high yield, and disease resistance including ANT, ALS, CMV, DM, PM, and scab. Blocky fruits are medium green and measure 3 inches in length by 1 inch in diameter. Plants are primarily female, to allow greater yield potential. 50 days.

$3.15 for Pack (20 seeds)
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County Fair Improved Cucumber

Non-bitter fruit with few seeds and beautiful crunchy pickles . Vines bear an impressive amount of 6-8 inch blocky, dark green fruits. Resistant to bacterial wilt. 50 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Crispy Crunchy Hybrid Cucumber

This cucumber is popular in Europe where gardeners love the true "Cornichon" type pickle. The petite 3 to 5 inch fruit have very small white spines and are very crispy and flavorful. Short season areas will appreciate Crispy Crunchy's ability to set fruit without pollination (parthenocarpy). That means you don't need to have any honey bees working the flowers. Yields are impressive, and the vigorous vines keep growing. This kind of cucumber is hard to find in the United States, but we have taken the time to make sure our customers can have a taste of Europe without traveling to Paris. 44 days.

From $4.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Diva Hybrid Cucumber

Believed to have originated in India, spreading to North Africa and beyond, this All America winner is one of the best tasting of the Persian types. Now more and more people in North America are eating these burpless, bitter-free, thin skinned fruit. The fruit are parthenocarpic and don't need bees for pollination. That makes Diva seedless and oh-so-delicious. Fruit can be harvested when small or up to 8 inches in length. Vines are particularly productive, with impressive yields, plus plenty of disease resistance. Diva has intermediate resistance to downy and powdery mildew, cucumber vein yellow virus, and scab. 58 days from planting in warm soil.

From $3.49 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Double Yield Cucumber

Developed in 1924, this pickle is said to produce two to three fruits for every one that is harvested. The four to six inch long light green fruit are great for eating fresh and they make delicious pickles. A garden favorite for nearly 100 years. 52 days.

$2.99 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Eureka Hybrid Cucumber

Our favorite for dual use – pickling and slicing. Harvest at 2 to 4 inches for pickles or up to 7 inches for using fresh. Dark green fruit are sweet and crisp. Plants are vigorous with abundant production. The most disease resistant cucumber we offer. 57 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Homemade Pickles Cucumber

Harvest small for baby sweet pickles (2 inches) or let them grow up to 5 or 6 inches for crunchy dill pickles. Excellent disease package allows large harvests of great tasting cucumbers that are crispy and solid. 59 days.

$2.99 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Lemon Cucumber

Fruit are about the size of lemons, and are perfect for salads or pickling. They offer a sweet citrusy flavor along with crispy flesh. This heirloom dates from the 1800s, has a sprawling plant habit and vigorous vines. Best to keep picking the prolific fruit to prolong the harvest period. 65 days.

From $2.99 for Pack (20 seeds)
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27 results