New for 2024

Among our standout selections, the King George hybrid pepper steals the show with its generous size, delectable flavor, and remarkable early growth, boasting robust disease resistance. Our All America award-winning San Joaquin hybrid jalapeno pepper promises a bountiful harvest, with the potential to yield up to 50 fruits per plant in a single gathering. The Fresno type hybrid pepper, Hernandez, combines medium pungency with exceptional productivity.

For those looking to diversify their garden, our Coventry hybrid carrot offers versatile options, whether you prefer them as baby carrots or when fully grown. The Early Doll hybrid tomato and Lady Sophia are classic red tomatoes with great taste and productivity. And the Fantastico hybrid baby plum tomato boasts long, cascading trusses excellent for hanging baskets.

We've also brought in an array of stunning and diverse decorative flowers, boasting a wide spectrum of brilliant colors and captivating forms.

25 results
King George Hybrid Pepper

King George offers the promise of great things to come. The vigorous and productive plants produce an abundance of Royal Jumbo and Extra Large fruit. Fruits mature early as they change from green to red. It is hard to have both size and early maturity with other peppers, but you can have both with the King! In addition the King has added protection from bacterial leaf spot, plus a tolerance to Phytophthora blight. Strong plants benefit from staking. 72 days.

From $3.85 for Pack (15 seeds) $14.95
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Empire VFFNT Hybrid Tomato

Empire VFFNT tastes and looks a lot like Celebrity, but it has a larger plant that provides excellent cover for fruit. A great farmers market tomato. Determinate. 70 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds) - Treated seed
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Early Doll Hybrid Tomato

Early Doll is early maturing and has beauty that shines in several ways – excellent flavor, good production, great in salads, in a sandwich, and in your favorite salsa. 5 ounce fruit. Determinate. 55 to 58 days.

From $3.15 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Destiny Hybrid Tomato

This commercially bred variety is perfect for salsa, pico de gallo, canning, and fried green tomatoes. Plants are hardy with good leaf cover, and resist Yellow Leaf Curl virus. 7 to 9 ounce fruit. Large determinate. 73 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Fantastico Hybrid Tomato

This All America winner is a patio type tomato that produces delicious and sweet crack-resistant fruit in containers or hanging baskets. They are easy to pick, with high yield potential – up to 12 pounds of fruit per plant. Plants are 12 to 15 inches tall and spreading in the open garden. A baby plum tomato with ½ ounce fruit. Late Blight tolerant. Determinate. 50 days.

From $3.75 for Pack (10 seeds)
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Banana Legs Tomato

Banana Legs tomatoes are low in acid and have a meaty texture. A great tomato for making sauces or cut up for salads. Fruit are up to 4 inches long and 1 ½ inches in diameter. As fruit mature to a bright yellow color, they occasionally appear to have light colored stripes similar to the Speckled Roman tomato. Compact determinate. 75 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Lady Sophia Tomato

Lady Sophia is destined to be queen of the pink tomato, once you have discovered the old fashioned flavor of its sweet and luscious flesh that people love. 10 to 12-ounce fruit are produced on large indeterminate plants. 79 days.

From $3.45 for Pack (20 seeds) $11.95
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Crimson Sweet Watermelon

Crimson Sweet is a long-time favorite due to wonderful flavor, texture, and sweetness. This melon can reach up to 9 x 12 inches and weigh between 15 to 25 pounds. Vines grow 6 to 9 feet, and are normally planted 2 to 5 feet apart in the row. Direct seed when soil temperatures are 70 to 75 degrees. 80 days.

From $3.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Wicked Ghost Hybrid Pepper

Blistering heat is the hallmark of this hybrid Ghost pepper. armed with more than 800,000 scoville units of heat. Be careful handling, consuming,and preparing. This bright red and pointed fruit is 2 ½ inches in length and has higher yield potential than other open pollinated Ghost peppers. 90 days.

From $3.55 for Pack (15 seeds)
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San Joaquin Hybrid Pepper

All-America Selections is calling this jalapeno pepper a game changer. You can harvest up to 50 4-inch fruits per plant, and all at once! Perfect for canning, pickling or making stuffed and roasted peppers. Put them in your favorite soup or salsa. Because they can hold on the plant longer than most jalapenos, you can take that weekend trip and they will be there when you come home. Pungency 2500 to 6000 scovilles. 60 days.

From $3.95 for Pack (15 seeds)
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King of the North Improved Pepper

King of the North just got better. This improved variety is now 10 days earlier to mature. The three or four lobed fruit mature from green to red and have good flavor.

Large bell peppers reliably turn red even where the season is short or weather is cool. Strong, sturdy plants become loaded with big, blocky peppers that are delicious at both green and red stages. Despite the name “King of the North,” gardeners in all areas can succeed with this outstanding variety. 60 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Hernandez Hybrid Pepper

Hernandez is a hybrid Fresno type pepper that has a lot in common with a jalapeno. The fruit are conical, 2-3 inches in length, with thick flesh that can be eaten fresh, grilled, or minced in salsa. The flavor is tangy and smoky with a hint of sweetness. Plants reach 22 to 24 inches in height and the fruit have medium pungency. 75 days.

From $3.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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25 results