Bell Pepper Seeds (Green to Red)

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16 results
Big Bertha Hybrid Pepper

One of the largest elongated bell peppers available. 3 to 4 lobes and thick walls. This improved variety sets more and even larger fruit than the original, and is resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Excellent in the Northeast as well as other areas. This is an outstanding performer and one of our very favorite peppers. 72 days.

From $4.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Red Knight Hybrid Pepper

Big, heavy, blocky peppers measure 4½ inches long and wide, and mature to red early in the season. This variety has protection against 3 races of bacterial leaf spot and 2 pepper viruses. 65 days to green; 78 days to red.

From $4.25 for Pack (15 seeds)
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Better Belle II Hybrid Pepper

It’s hard to imagine a bell pepper much finer than Better Belle, but this improved version offers wider adaptability and even better production than the original. Thick-walled, 4-lobed peppers are 4 inches tall and 5 inches wide, and start out green but mature to a bright, shiny red. Vigorous plants are Tobacco Mosaic Virus resistant. We love this variety for its top-quality fruit and dependably high yields. 75 days.

From $4.85 for Pack (20 seeds) $12.95
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King Arthur Hybrid Pepper

Very large, 4-lobed blocky bell pepper is hard to beat for its earliness and large size. Fruit becomes 4½ inches long and wide, and seems to set well even in heat. Plants provide good foliage cover and are resistant to two types of bacterial spot and three pepper viruses. 60 days green; 75 days red.

From $4.45 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Chinese Giant Pepper

Old-fashioned bell pepper is huge - 5 to 6 inches deep and wide, but grows on a compact, bushy plant. When this variety is fully ripened, it turns bright red and is very sweet. Thick-walled, blocky fruit is absolutely perfect for making stuffed peppers. Early maturity and long harvests. 75 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (30 seeds)
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California Wonder PS Pepper

High yields and extra-large fruit have made this the most popular open-pollinated bell pepper. Dark-green peppers are mostly 4-lobed and blocky, about 4½ inches long and 4 inches wide, with crisp, thick walls and sweet taste. Tall plants are Tobacco Mosaic Virus resistant and produce an abundance of peppers. 75 days.

From $2.95 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Jupiter Pepper

Many commercial growers know about this pepper because of the jumbo sized fruit that sells quickly at the produce stand. However, home gardeners can now benefit from the productivity, large size, thick walls, and great taste. It has resistance to TMV as well. 75 days

From $2.79 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Aristotle X3R Hybrid Pepper

These huge bell peppers start out dark green before ripening fully to red. Plants stay a fairly compact 20 to 24 inches tall, while bearing 3 to 4-lobed fruit that are an enormous 5 inches tall and 4½ inches wide. Plants are resistant to 3 races of bacterial leaf spot plus several pepper viruses. We think that this pepper should have a place in the garden for its contribution to wonderful salads, stir-fries, and the ultimate stuffed peppers. 72 days.

From $5.75 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Ozark Giant Pepper

Colossal bell peppers can easily reach 8 inches long and are as sweet as can be, especially when they are left to turn bright red. Plants are sturdy and quite productive, but it is good to provide a support for plants because they can be weighed down by the abundance of heavy fruit. This is an old Ozark variety with great flavor and impressive size. 85 days.

From $3.75 for Pack (30 seeds)
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Red Beauty Hybrid Pepper

A red bell pepper widely adapted to reliably turn red in almost any area of the country. Very thick-walled, heavy fruits are blocky, and about 4 inches long. Heavy yields of bright-red sweet peppers. Resistant to Tobacco mosaic virus.  68 days to green 76 days to red


From $3.95 for Pack (20 seeds) $12.95
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King Of The North Pepper

Large bell peppers reliably turn red even where the season is short or weather is cool. Strong, sturdy plants become loaded with big, blocky peppers that are delicious at both green and red stages. Despite the name “King of the North,” gardeners in all areas can succeed with this outstanding variety. 70 days.

From $3.25 for Pack (20 seeds)
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Majestic Red Hybrid Pepper

This impressively large red bell pepper has extra-thick walls and succulent sweet flavor. Its disease package is impressive too, including resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Phytophthora root rot, and Bacterial Spot, races 0-3, 5, 7, and 8. Shiny, firm peppers are 5 to 7 inches long and 3 inches wide, starting out green then ripening to bright red. Peppers feel heavy in the hand because they are so meaty and full of refreshing sweet pepper juice. 75 days green; 85 days red.

From $4.55 for Pack (20 seeds)
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16 results